Sunday, April 1, 2012

Warm Fall & Austin's Fall

The kids just trying to enjoy the good weather while it lasts. September stayed pretty good so we had some good days to just go play in the back yard. Yes the Clint lets the kids just leave the pony in the back yard. Drives me crazy but they love it. Oh yeah Austin at Penndleton this year broke his arm. His dad and uncle taught him a trick to grab the bar over his head as he rode under on the horse. Yeah it was fun the first couple times than ended with Austin face down on the ground. We didnt think he broke it all day but on our way home Uncle Nate shook his hand and he became un glued we then decided on the home that it was broke after he would wake up screaming from additional naps from the pain reliever. We took him to the ER that night and yes it was broke right above the wrist, luckily for kids his age recovery is very fast and he only had to wear his cast for 4 wks. He thought that cast was pretty cool due to his cousin having to get one a few weeks earlier. But the last week he was pretty done with it.

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